Celebrating National Color Day 2018 with Chemistry

Celebrating National Color Day 2018 with Chemistry

October 19, 2018

While most of our chemical portfolio falls into a pristine world of white solids and clear liquids, we do have a good sampling of colorful chemical materials breaking up the...

Thank You, Truck Drivers!

September 26, 2018

Like many companies in the B2B world, the last shipping day of the month at Columbus Chemical Industries can sometimes be pretty jam-packed. As we close in on our final...

Congressman Glenn Grothman Visits CCI

August 31, 2018

August 29 2018:   Columbus, WI In a tour of Columbus Chemical Industries (CCI) facilities this week, Rep. Glenn Grothman expressed his appreciation for manufacturing companies like CCI being the backbone...

CCI: Our logo is blue, but we are always working on being greener

July 27, 2018

It’s late July, the tomatoes are beginning to ripen on the vine and the rainbow chard is putting on a show. CCI is enjoying its third year of hosting a...


